However, Japan is targeting to embrace the chance of holding the World Cup alone by strenuously presenting its high tech, in order to gain the recognition of International Football Association. 为能获得一次独立承办世界杯的机会,日本日前大打科技牌以赢得国际足联的认可。
But definately as an engineer I've been holding all these publications and these patents don't gain you credibility of the engineer. 当然作为工程师,我有许多出版,而这些专利权并不一定能换来工程师的信誉。
Unrealized Holding Gain on Trading Investments 持有短期投资未实现利得
GMAC and CIT, two of the largest finance companies in the US, remain unable to issue government-backed debt almost three months after they became bank holding companies to gain access to the rescue schemes. 通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)和CIT仍然无法发放政府支持的债券。3个月前,这两大美国金融公司转型成为银行控股公司,以获得参与援助计划的资格。
The move means Rio, the financier of the Mongolian mine at oyu Tolgoi near the Chinese border, faces the threat of dilution of its holding in Ivanhoe or the possibility that another miner may gain a foothold on the project. 此举意味着,力拓作为邻近中国边境的蒙古奥尤陶勒盖(oyutolgoi)矿的出资者,面对着所持艾芬豪股份遭到稀释、或另一家矿商可能插足该项目的威胁。
On Sunday, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs gave up on attempts to remain as the only two standalone investment banks and became "bank holding" companies to gain permanent access to federal reserve funds. 周日,摩根士丹利和高盛(goldmansachs)放弃了作为最后两家独立投行存在下去的努力,成为“银行控股”公司,以获得向美联储请求注资的资格。
Meanwhile Fiat Auto, which will remain in the holding company, will be free to gain scale from mergers or partnerships with other car firms and to raise capital. 同时,在未来仍作为控股公司的菲亚特汽车将能在自由合并或同其它汽车公司的联盟中不断完善,并能自主筹集资金。
This is my first time holding the publicize committee in collage. I am not familiar with activities, so I want to gain the guidance of teachers and the suppot of classmates. 毕竟在大学里第一次担任宣传委员,对班委活动还不是很熟悉,希望能得到老师指点和同学的支持。
Within a week, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley had become bank holding companies, ditching their investment banking status to gain access to financial help from the Federal Reserve and fend off a barrage of selling from investors. 一周之内,高盛和摩根士丹利就抛弃了自己的投行身份,转型为银行控股公司,以便获取美联储的资金援助,抵御投资者的抛售浪潮。
Those entities holding net assets in foreign currencies would gain from devaluation, and vice versa. 如果欧元贬值,持有外币净资产的实体将会获利,反之亦然。
Like Goldman Sachs, its larger rival, Morgan Stanley converted itself last year into a bank holding company from an investment bank to gain access to emergency Federal Reserve funds. 就像高盛,它最大的竞争对手,摩根斯坦利在去年将其投资银行转化成为了银行控股公司来获取美联储的紧急救援基金。
Based on the holding process of Expo 2010, it will take different development patterns for STIs cluster to realize that STI can effectively gain the Expo Effect and the Cluster Effect, and enhance international competitiveness of STI and boost Shanghai economy. 世博会和簇群相结合,能实现上海旅游产业有效接受“世博效应”的辐射和自身“簇群效应”的放大,提升上海旅游产业的国际竞争力和促进上海经济的繁荣。
The design of a fully differential CMOS sampling holding circuit and inter stage subtract gain circuit used in 10 bit 30 M sample/ s pipelined ADC is presented in this paper. 介绍一种10位分辨率、30MHz采样频率流水线操作A/D变换器中的CMOS全差分采样-保持(S/H)电路和级间减法-增益(SUB/GAIN)电路的设计。
The memory function of digital circuit is used for construction of relative permanent sample holding circuits to keep zero compensation voltage and span gain stable. 一种采用硬件电路,以D/A转换器为核心器件,利用数字电路的记忆功能,构成相对永久性采样保持电路,保持零点补偿电压和量程增益的稳定。
The PO 2 locus was also important in the effect on tenderness, water holding capacity, pH and daily gain. The leading variation was V D in PO 2 to meat tenderness, compared with V A to daily gain and water holding capacity. PO2是影响肉嫩度、失水率、pH和日增重性状变异的重要座位,并且对日增重和失水率是以加性方差为主导,而对嫩度是以显性方差为主导;